A report on the English lessons run by Rachel and Samara from the UK Good Shepherd Project for the community of Nossa Senhora de Fatima. This report was actually written by Rogerio Muneron, who works as part of the Projeto Bom Pastor - and so is translated from Portuguese.

Since 2nd October, volunteers Rachel and Samara have been running an English course at the Professor João de Arruda Pinto State School in the Nossa Senhora de Fátima neighbourhood, Sabará - MG, with the support of the Bom Pastor Project.

The course has been very well received by the school's students and teachers. Using a very simple and totally dynamic methodology, the students are finding it easy to learn the English language. So, with a view to broadening the scope of teaching, the school management invited the volunteers to run the course in a new location, in the evening, known as the "Annex" (Escola Municipal Santos Dumont) in the Borba Gato neighbourhood, Sabará - MG.
The classes began on 16 October with the participation of 28 students of various ages, the class was a success with the participation of all the students and great interest on the part of the rest of the school.
Teaching English with a dynamic methodology in the social context of the Projeto Bom Pastor can have several significant implications, learning English with a simple approach can empower and promote participants to access opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable. These include employment opportunities, higher education and international collaboration.
